
The Island Will Come to You

A few weeks ago, our downstairs neighbors moved out, and we discovered that they left a nice, portable kitchen island. John and I considered taking it (I voted no), and we meant to ask our landlord if we could have it for $30 or so. Instead, we forgot. Until Friday, that is. That afternoon, our landlord emailed and asked if we wanted the island. FOR FREESIES! John immediately jumped up and ran downstairs to snatch it. We hauled it upstairs and I gave it a good clean with a vinegar and water solution. And voila! It's our island!

After some debate, we've decided to name it Buffet the Vampire Slayer, or Buffy for short. Other potential names included The Buffet, and Freebie.

You may now admire its features.

Note the cool, granite section on top, supported by extra drawers and and a cabinet beneath, now filled with beer.

We've discussed getting an island like this for a couple years, but I never felt like I could justify the expense. Turns out, all we had to do was wait 2 years and a perfectly good island found us instead. I feel there is a Zen lesson of some kind...inside its many spacious compartments.

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