
Et Maintenant le Voyage au Supermarché

Our friend Jessica gave us a recommendation for the less expensive grocery store in town. Nothing makes me feel more like a foreigner than a trip to the Canadian grocery store.

This BBQ sauce is attached to a case of beer.

Most types of butter come in a big block, instead of 4 separate sticks, but you can find both.

Is Balkan yogurt Greek yogurt? I suppose...

The French labels are still novel to me.

I know it only means "strong," but I love the image of a Cheese Fort.

FROmidable! Like fromage! What a creative translation.

Lots of tea, Tetley in odd cannisters.

This sort of makes sense:

But wait, there's more! Inside this Superstore ("Real Canadian!"), which is sort of like a nicer version of Wal-mart, sans the screaming children, there is also a doctor's office,

and a fitness center.

We also went to a store called JYSK. I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but I think it has a soft J.

From what we observed, JSYK is basically the same as Bed Bath & Beyond, but without as much of the Beyond, or all the shelves in the middle of the store.

We also visited a store devoted to storage containers of all kinds, including closets.

"Let us design your closet!"

An entire aisle of chic, feminine lunch boxes.

Stay tuned for a post about next week's orientation activities and my trip - 36 hours in Kansas City (...maybe they'll have some St. Louis Ribs St. Louis).

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