Everything happened around Victoria Park, downtown.
We each got two coupons for special food stations after the race, but the lines were so long that we just took our loot and went home. But our number bibs are also coupons for a smoothie joint in town, so we'll be making a visit later this week.
John walked the course in 39:49, though he ran a sprint for the last 100 meters or so. The excitement of the race and finish line made him want to run, I think.
I came in at 32:39, which is 2 minutes faster than the last 5K I did, and the best time I've gotten since I was a senior in college. So it was an all around success! We're running another in Indiana on May 22nd, and I'm interested to see John's reaction to how different it will be. The one today took place all around downtown and was pretty large. The one in Indiana will be around a lake, a trail run, and it will probably be a lot smaller.
My participant's medal is hanging proudly from my "new" desk, which I'm sure will be on this blog soon enough (Goodwill, $14!).
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